Jain Sangha of Europe was founded by the late Dr Natubhai Shah.
Jain Sangha of Europe (Charity no: 1072784)
Mission: The advancement of Jain culture, its values and studies.
Main Objectives
- Provide facilities for worship and study for all major Jain traditions
- Promote the values, teachings and the practices of Jainism to Jains and wider communities
- Provide community services
- Alleviate poverty, to promote animal welfare and environmental awareness
- Represent the Jain interests to governments, statutory authorities, media and other institutions of influence
- To be involved in the activities of community cohesion, and inter faith understanding and co-operation
Jain Sangha of Europe continues to function as a separate charity and has its own trustee board. Most of its activities, including administration, are now being carried out by the Jain Network.